FNP Dorm
The Food and Nutrition Planning Dormitory or FNP Dorm is managed by the College of Human Ecology and offers 24 housing units. Located along Joseph C. Madamba St., FNP Dorm is just 115 meters away from the Edwin B. Copeland Gymnasium and the pitch UPLB Softball Field. Interested guests may inquire with the CHE Dean’s Office through [email protected] or via phone 0920-120-1892 (Smart).
Student Housing
Living away from home for the first time to study here at UPLB can mean major lifestyle changes for students. Living inside the campus makes the transition easier because of fun and freedom with comfort and security. We provide the educational and social needs of students, such as sports, lectures, orientations, and other experiences. The Office of Student Housing manages 9 dormitories. These provide comfortable living conditions for approximately 2300 residents.
UPLB Library
The University Library is composed of the Main Library, 8 College Libraries, 2 Research Libraries, and 1 School Library. The University Library also offers online services including iLib, literature search assistance, and library online tutorial services, among others. The Library also offers multiple information, technical, multimedia, readers, and internet, and computer services
UPLB Office of Counseling and Guidance (UPLB OCG)
The UPLB OCG assists the Office of the Vice-Chancellor for Student Affairs (OVCSA) in providing psychological, social, emotional, educational, and occupational needs of the students. The office offers counseling, psychological testing, tutorial, career guidance and job placement, orientation, guidance instruction, readmission, extension activities, and referral.
UPLB Gender Center (UPLB-GC)
The UPLB Gender Center (UPLB-GC) is the University’s focal point in gender and development concerns in instruction, research, extension, and services. The office works closely with the UPLB Office of Anti-Sexual Harassment (OASH) of the Office of the Chancellor and mainstreams gender and development among UPLB constituents by holding seminars, training, and forums.
UPLB Office of Anti-Sexual Harassment (UPLB OASH)
UPLB is committed to providing a secure & conducive learning & working environment for students, faculty & employees, thus, the creation of the Office of Anti-Sexual Harassment.
University Health Service (UHS)
The UHS offers 24/7 ambulance and emergency room, free and minimal-rate medical and dental procedures for students, employees, and their dependents, specialty clinics, free accommodation for students, Student Welfare Clinic with an in-house consultant psychiatrist for students (2:00-5:00PM, TTh), and referral to tertiary hospitals (e.g., UP PGH).