Public Engagement
Public Engagement

The College of Human Ecology promotes community services and volunteerism in various acts. We continuously conduct
activities that strengthen functional commitment in operational areas of Human Ecology.

IHNF continues its banner program Barangay Integrated Development Approach for Nutrition Improvement (BIDANI) and its Nutrition Clinic and Lactation Clinic.

DCERP developed the TAP-HSP or the Technical Assistance Program in Human Settlements Planning, the public service arm of the College providing technical assistance to local government units and communities in crafting their risk sensitive development plans. Through the TAP-HSP, new BSHE graduates can take on real-world planning experiences.

DSDS Is currently implementing S&T Community-Based for Inclusive Development (STC4iD) which aims to establish a sustainable and resilient AANR-based S&T Community Livelihood, and promote inclusive development to men and women in the different project sites.

DHFDS has launched Families of Children with Exceptionalities Resource Center (FaCES), and the continued offering of Children Development Laboratory (CDL), Day Care Laboratory (DCL), Day Care Resource Center (DCRC). They also provide services for the elderly through its Elderly Development Program (EDP).

Partnerships and linkages with universities, R&D institutions

The college continues to link with its alumni and other government institutions throughout the year not only to renew ties but to tap their expertise to assist the college in its various programs, projects and activities. CHE has forged partnerships with an estimate of 34 local and regional institutions for research, extension and instruction and counting.

Partner InstitutionsNature of PartnershipDate
League of Local Planning and Development Coordinators of the Philippines Inc. Oriental Mindoro ChapterTechnical assistance (Short Course on Environmental Planning)2017
Department of Interior and Local GovernanceTechnical assistance (GIS Training)2017
Human Ecology Institute of the Philippines (HUMEIN)Technical assistance/ Capacity building (Short Course on Environmental Planning)2017-present
UP Society of Human Settlements PlannersJoint Project (EYC 2016-2017)2017