This study aimed to describe the profile of Grade 7 students of the University of the Philippines Rural High School A.Y. 2021-2022 in terms of intrinsic and extrinsic factors; to determine their level of burnout in online learning; and to determine the association among intrinsic factors, extrinsic factors, and burnout. It was well established that several risks to students’ physical and psychological well-being were identified with the implementation of online distance learning in the country. An online survey was conducted to test a linear relationship between online learning and burnout. Results showed that online learning induces academic burnout in general. There was a moderate positive relationship between gender and personal burnout, with women having higher levels of personal burnout than men. Self-efficacy for learning and performance was associated with most dimensions of burnout. Finally, there was no link among time management, time and study environment, help-seeking behavior, access to technology, and any dimensions of burnout. The researcher recommends further investigations on the reasons behind the associations found between variables and the adaptation mechanisms of the students that could have been influential to the findings.