Calauan, Laguna has been awarded as a child-friendly municipality in 2017. However, the public open spaces for children are lacking. For the Philippine government, public open spaces are not considered a priority (Palma, 2019). This study formulated a scoresheet based on the interview, indicators of past research, and the DILG indicators of a child-friendly city to evaluate the play spaces in Calauan. The methodology used in this study consists of (i) collecting data from the municipality such as CLUP and other sectoral reports, (ii) conducting a Key Informant Interview with the selected LGU of Calauan, and three child-friendly spaces experts, to formulate a scoresheet, and (iii) survey using the scoresheet in evaluating the identified play spaces in Calauan, Laguna. There are only 4 play spaces in Calauan. The researcher conducted a windshield observation to assess the identified play spaces. The municipality realized the need to add play spaces and the important factors that they have identified when assessing a playground are safety, security, inclusivity, ambiance, and comfort. However, among those that they have identified, these indicators are new: the area of play spaces should be near clinics, roads, churches, and police stations and it should have an available parking space. These new indicators can be added to the existing DILG indicator to improve the future assessment and creation of the play spaces in Calauan, Laguna. With the formulated scoresheet, the interviewed LGUs assessed the 4 identified child-friendly spaces. A triangulation method was used to reduce the bias of the results. The findings of this study strongly indicates the lack of child-friendly spaces in Calauan, Laguna.